Organic Almonds
The Greeks narrated that Phyllis, princess of Thrace, met Acamante, son of Theseus, who landed in his kingdom during a stop for navigation to Troy. The two youngs fell madly in love but Acamante was forced to continue to fight. The young princess, after waiting ten years, did not see him return with the victorious ships and let herself die in desperation.
The goddess Athena, moved by this poignant love story, decided to transform Phyllis into a splendid almond tree. In reality, Acamante was not dead and when he found out he embraced the plant which, to reciprocate the caresses, caused flowers instead of leaves to burst from its branches. The hug is repeated every year when the almond blossoms announce spring
In Sicily, almonds were already present before the arrival of the Greeks, although they, as in the case of olive trees, imported an “economic” concept of agriculture, transforming it into a means of both economic and social development, today after more than 2500 years we can say that they had seen well.
The love between Acamante and Phyllis and with them the starts of the spring is also celebrated every year in Agrigento, our place, with an international folklorist festival called the “ The almonds blossom” as evidence of the importance that this simple but at the same time exceptional fruit has for us Sicilians.
Inside our company, we cultivate in an absolutely organic way, without the use of pesticides, about 15 hectares of almond and we are always ready to plant more.
It is a very resistant fruit with a double protection when is on the tree, an husk and an hard shell.
Harvested in the height of the Sicilian summer, when temperatures can even exceed 40 degrees, which allows us to dry our almonds in shell, deprived of the husk the same day of the harvest, under our magnificent sun and not in dryers as most of the large manufacturing companies now do.
The product is then stored in shell in order to preserve its quality and properties for as long as possible and shelled just before it is required to be sold or processed.
We produce 2 different kind:
“Tuono”, with larger dimensions with a semi-hard shell and a sweet taste, guarantees a very low percentage of bitterness, it is the almond that is requested mainly by those who eat it daily or for the sweet milk that is obtained.
The “Dura” or “Pizzuta” on the other hand, is the traditional Sicilian almond, takes its name from the consistency of its shell, is characterized by its slight bitter aftertaste and by a high oil content inside, an essential raw material for some of the most important ice cream parlors Italians, such as Dè Coltelli in Pisa (, Stefino in Bologna ( and also the historic German oil mill Ölmühle illingen (
A large part of them, after careful selection, is used for the production of our organic almond oil and the defatted almonds flour.
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